I've had two very similar conversations with two good friends of mine lately. They both resulted in this message to my heart:
Live in the present. Don't be owned by the past or afraid of the future. Just enjoy the now.
I truly think this is a key to peace in our lives. God carried us through the past and has already triumphed in the future; therefore, why would he not satisfy and protect us today? Trusting Jesus brings peace to my soul and quiet joy to my days.
But what does this look like in Real Life? Concepts are very good, but they do nothing to help unless they become changes in the dailiness of our lives!
For me, today, it looks like this.
* Having a to-do list but not worrying if the only thing on it that gets done is "Time with God"
* Picking up something creative and having fun with it rather than worrying about the stack of dishes in the kitchen
* Taking, yes, even an hour to play with my baby who is learning to sit up but needs close supervision so he doesn't face plant and smash his little nose
* Eagerly awaiting my husband's return from work this afternoon and planning how to make it special
* Enjoying what I have in my closet and not wishing I could go shopping for more
* Deciding that even though there's the possibility we might move in 4 months, downsizing, I'm still going to paint our bedroom and redecorate it, so we can enjoy it for those 4 months
* Savoring each moment, whether I'm cooking pumpkin, feeding Charlie, running to the bank and post office, fixing supper for Nate, or reading a book - worshiping God in my momentary tasks and relishing the joy he brings.
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